Friday, April 30, 2010

ASTHMA: Shallow Breathing To Tune Your Body

We are now at the position where we can discuss more exactly the process that if followed will normalize your breathing. We have seen in earlier chapters that our breathostat or respiratory centre has somehow become set at the wrong level.

How did they become set at the wrong level? One major factor is the false idea of the usefulness of deep breathing, which is often combined with deep breathing exercises. A big long deep breath with a good stretch is good to relax. If you do it repeatedly, it will turn your breathostat the wrong way.

Another factor which increases breathing intensity is over eating, especially high protein. Protein will increase your depth of breathing considerably. Animal proteins in particular are capable of producing powerful changes. If we use dairy products as an example, we can see the effect of all foods.

It is commonly known that consumption of milk products tends to promote the formation of mucus. This is almost correct. What happens is that the milk causes an increase in the depth of breathing, which in turn causes a loss of CO2. We now know that reduced CO2 will tell the mucus factories [glands] in our airpipes and sinus cavity to produce more mucus. So the problem is not with the poor cow, but simply that the high protein levels cause an increase in breathing.

Since the industrial revolution the amount of protein consumed has steadily increased, along with so called diseases like asthma and hypertension.

Other factors that increase the breathing include lack of physical work, narcotics, and exposure to many chemical agents.

As your breathostat is exposed to greater levels of breathing and lower CO2 levels, it becomes conditioned to a lower level. Then further deep breathing, perhaps as part of a fitness or health training, can turn it even lower. This training effect continues until such a low breathostat level is reached that your body takes defensive action to avoid a catastrophe. In asthmatics it restricts the breathing.

It is a relatively simple strategy to reset your breathostat by exposing it to higher levels of CO2 than it is used to. This is the opposite of the approach which lowered the breathostat CO2 level, which was to expose it to lower levels of CO2.

We want an approach that will:

a. Be easy and comfortable to do,

b. Be able to be done anywhere by anyone,

c. Be combined with other tasks so we do not need to take time from your busy day.

The most effective way to do this is to use an indirect approach. This means not trying to control the size or length of holding of each breath, as that requires huge concentration and very careful training. It does mean using simple muscle relaxation which will make the depth of breathing less, and requires no control of the rate of breathing which is difficult. The key instruction is simple and short.

Shallow Breathing is: A gradual reduction in the depth of breathing, by relaxing the diaphragm and breathing muscles, until a tiny shortage of air is felt and then maintained.

There are several key points. The first is that we are reducing the depth of breathing. When we do this the frequency or rate at which we breathe increases by itself. This is correct, and the rate should not be interfered with. That would be direct control of the breathing, which is far harder to maintain, and usually leads to a huge shortage of air which is followed by gasping. This is not the goal. So reduce the depth only.

The next point is that the way we do it is by relaxing the breathing muscles, not holding them. The more relaxed they are the more still you become. The more still you become the less deeply you can breathe. [If you become still by holding or tensing you will develop sharp pains in your ribs as the muscles complain.]

The other key point is that our goal is to develop a training that can be done anywhere, is comfortable so it will not be avoided, and can be combined with other tasks. The way to this goal is to allow only a tiny shortage of air to develop. It is all that you need. If it feels awful and suffocating you have created a large shortage, and should relax and start again. If you feel no shortage at all, become more and more still until you do.

As part of this process, recognize that there is no rule that says you have to be breathing all the time. If you find yourself breathing away with no real need or desire to stop.

An alternative way to start your shallow breathing is to do a measurement pause without holding your nose. This really means that you stop breathing until you feel a tiny shortage of air. All you have to do then is be relaxed and still enough to maintain that shortage.

Am I Doing It Properly?

This is the most common and natural question. You are shallow breathing if you feel a tiny shortage of air, and you are comfortable. A shortage of air is a sensation that you would like to take an extra breath, but to maintain the shortage do not. If you are suffocating, you have too great a shortage ó remember unless it feels comfortable; you will not do it enough and will get poor results.

If you feel no shortage of air you are not doing it!

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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Air Purifiers: Worth The Cost Or Not?

Air purifiers claim to pull out the dust and debris that is in the air. They claim to rid the home of bacteria that can make you ill as well. But, do they actually work? Are they worth the investment? And, how in the world should you choose the right one if they are worth the purchase? While there are many models out there and there are many benefits to using them, you'll find that not all air purifiers are worth it. Those that are, though, can greatly improve the quality of air within your home.

FACT: The air within any home is much dirtier than the air outside. This is due in part to the ability of the environment to neutralize bad odors and actually 'clean' the air naturally. But, inside the home, there is little to no ability for the air to rejuvenate mainly because there aren't many plants within the home environment to help filter the air as they do in the environment. This is where the air purifier comes into play.


One of the main reasons to use an air purifier is to get rid of allergens within the air. Allergens are particles that cause allergies. They can be pollen, dust, mold spores and even pet dander. Often caught in the carpets, upholstery and other areas of the home, allergens cause a great deal of discomfort to individuals suffering from allergies. For those individuals that do not have allergies, over exposure to allergens can cause allergies. For those that need relief, an air purifier can help.

Other conditions in which the air purifier can help with the air is for those that smoke. You have heard that second hand smoke is more deadly than that of smoking? This happens because of the particles and even the gases that are emitted from smoking enter the room and are breathed in by others.

How Air Purifiers Can Work

There are several methods that are used in air purifiers. While there are benefits to most of them, not all of them will be right for your specific needs.

Filter Systems: Filter systems pull air into the unit and then 'clean it' by passing it through a filter. Some will need to be replaced frequently while others are just wiped clean.

Absorbents: There are also some products that are used in air purifiers to help soak up the bad stuff so to speak. An example here is the use of charcoal.

Ionizers: These are also known as electrostatic charges. These cause particles within the air to become charged and attach to themselves. This causes them to fall to the ground or to other surfaces for easy clean up.
UV Lights: These are also methods for cleaning are through the use of ultra violet lights.

There are several other options out there, but it is important to really understand not only which air purifiers are out there but also which products are the best of them. One way to do this is to look at the CADR of the product. The Clean Air Delivery Rating is a rating that provides for how well the air purifier works as compared to other air purifiers. The higher it is the stronger the power of it to clean the air. They are rated by the Association Of Home Appliance Manufacturers.

When choosing an air purifier to put into your home, make sure that you look at several models and compare their ability to meet your needs. Some products are better for allergen removal while others work well for debris removal. Still, you'll need to determine your needs for whole home air purifiers. Or if you would like to only purify one room, you'll need to insure that the unit is large enough for the room placed in. Another benefit is to use consumer reviews provided on the web for additional help in choosing one product or the next.

Air purifiers can be beneficial and should be used as long as they are chosen carefully.

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HEPA Air Purifiers - Who Needs Them?

HEPA air purifiers' strength lies in there ability to eliminate a huge spectrum of airborne particles. From the very biggest down to .3 microns, by definition, it is able to eliminate particulates both visible and invisible with 99.97% efficiency.
Here are 5 groups of people that will benefit from having airborne pollutants removed from their air. See which group fits your lifestyle.

Pet Owners--If you own a warm blooded pet such as a dog, cat, ferret, bird, bunny or guinea pig (to name a few) you also own hair, fur, and pet dander. These particulates are a normal part of any pet's growth and development and come with the territory when you open your home and heart to one.

But breathing the higher volume of particles that pets produce day in and day out is not good for humans or pets. Filtering the air is the only way to prevent inhalation or ingestion of these particulates that can linger in the air for days and precipitate and/or cause respiratory problems.

Asthma Sufferers--Those who suffer with extrinsic asthma or allergic asthma are particularly at risk when airborne triggers such as dust, mold, dust mites, pollen and pet dander are thick in the air.

Unfiltered air greatly increases the frequency and severity of asthma attacks, and can cause anxiety not just for the one with asthma, but for other family members (particularly children) in the home as well. Any physician will agree that removing airborne triggers is one of the most successful and non-invasive ways to live with and manage asthma.

Those Who Have Allergies--Many of the most common allergy triggers are found in the air in homes. Like those who suffer with asthma, allergic reactions can be triggered by seasonal allergens such as pollen, or those that are commonly found indoors.

If your allergies are triggered by typical household pollutants, a purifier that can effectively remove particles 24 hours a day making your home a safe haven, and giving your body a chance to rest and rejuvenate.

Without being able to filter sub micron size particles, the allergy sufferer becomes a sitting duck to whatever triggers are being circulated through the house by the heat or air conditioning system that day.

Those Who Want to Reduce Airborne Germs
--With the Swine Flu pandemic increasingly in the news, reducing the number of airborne viruses and bacteria in the air is a good offensive move towards minimizing the effects of the cold and flu season.

Since bacteria and viruses often attach to the small and sub micron size particles that HEPA filters are so good at removing, eliminating particles greatly reduces the germ count in your air. And should cold and flu still find you or family members, having fewer airborne germs in the air minimizes secondary infections that often result when the body's immune system is less able to recover.

Those Who Want a Cleaner Home--If you've ever looked out the window when the sun is streaming in and been amazed at the number of pieces of lint, dust, and unidentified stuff in the air, you'll like what you don't see once you say yes to HEPA filtration.

Otherwise, every breath you take in your home or office requires your lungs to filter the air. Can you image how much that adds up to over a life time? Taking out the particles while they are airborne decreases the amount of dusting, and vacuuming you have to do. And who can't think of more exciting ways to use the extra time doing less house work will generate?

So the answer to who needs a HEPA air purifier is anyone who wants to breathe cleaner air, for whatever reason; and there's really no down side to that, is there?

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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Factors or Conditions That Impersonate Asthma

Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory tract and is mainly caused by constriction of the air passages due to several reasons. There are quite a few conditions that manifest with symptoms similar to that of asthma. This makes these diseases as well as asthma both very difficult to diagnose. Some conditions that impersonate the symptoms of asthma relatively closely are described here to facilitate ease of detection and treatment.

Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema: Chronic bronchitis and emphysema are diseases that are very closely related to asthma. It is generally seen that the patients of slightly older ages start with asthma and later on if untreated develop symptoms of chronic bronchitis, which may eventually lead to symptoms of emphysema.

The asthma may be due to allergens of any kind, which are difficult to detect as it is, and the system thus provoked may lead to more severe disorders. Sometimes the whole cycle may go in a different direction altogether and the patients develop asthma after a prolonged bout of chronic bronchitis. Thus, whichever route the diseases take it becomes complicated to chalk out the path where one may lead to another and symptoms may be very closely entangled.

In other cases it is seen that a patient develops intrinsic asthma after suffering with chronic bronchitis at some very early stages in life. Intrinsic asthma may develop much later and also without any apparent history of allergens or any genetic indications. So many times because of the close relativity of all these diseases it becomes very difficult to chart out the primary cause leading to other complications. Closeness in symptoms also presents a very tricky situation.

Cardiac Asthma: In this situation the symptoms of breathlessness are similar to those of bronchial asthma but they are caused mainly because of a heart disease. These symptoms happen generally during sleep or after exertion. The attacks are very similar to those of asthma accompanied by suffocation and tightening of chest muscles. They may even create pain in the chest region. The patient gasps for breath and is very restless. He may sweat profusely and has terrible difficulty in inhalation and exhalation. This may also be accompanied by a sharp rise in blood pressure and may trigger off terrifying fear of death in patients. The attacks may last for about few minutes to few hours. After the attack the patients feel terribly exhausted even for several days.

In contrast to bronchial asthma, cardiac asthma is caused by failure of the pumping action of the left ventricle of the human heart. It is generally a condition that is suspected in people with a history of hyper tension and heart diseases in the family. It is also to be generally ruled out before proceeding for further treatments if the patient happens to be above the age of forty years.

Hysterical Emphysema: This is a disease that is mostly psycho-somatic in nature. It is generally found in young girls and also in some hyper sensitive older women. In this symptoms are that of heavy breathing but do not show any difficulty in breathing. There is no perspiration and apparently there is no wheezing too. Bu the patient still feels very heavy breathing. The attack usually manifests after an emotionally charged bout that may include uncanny anger.

Many people who have had an attack like this emphasize unconsciously on the symptoms. This also makes them impersonate the symptoms repeatedly. Psychological analysis may reveal conditions of mild to extreme emotional insecurity in cases suffering from hysterical asthma. The good part is that the disease is neither serious nor may lead to any other serious ailment. It is mainly a mental condition and may also trigger off from severe hypochondria. The patients may also begin to use it as a tool for emotional manipulation of other people around them. There are really no age barriers for this disease to manifest and many times chronic cases may need psychological therapy to get over the symptoms permanently.

Viral Bronchiolitis, Foreign Body Aspiration and Cystic Fibrosis: These three conditions are generally found in children and have symptoms closely mimicking those of asthma. Viral Bronchiolitis is a condition caused by a potent virus called the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). This virus causes wheezing and fever and the symptoms do not respond to anti-wheezing treatments.

Foreign body aspiration is found in toddlers mainly who tend to put everything in their mouths. These foreign bodies may then get sucked into the bronchial tubes and get lodged in the trachea. These may be tricky to detect as many foreign bodies do not get reflected on the X-ray and the symptoms are very similar to asthma. The doctors sometimes have to manually check and remove the foreign body with the help of a bronchoscope.

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a serious disorder which may produce chronic intestinal and pulmonary problems. The symptoms here are those of severe asthma. The disease may start with recurrent infections and pneumonia. The infants who are underweight and prematurely born generally show the symptoms of CF. the chest X-rays of such children show severe scarring of the lungs due to recurring bouts of pneumonia. CF is best detected with the help of a sweat test because the patients secrete excessive amounts of sodium and chloride salts in their sweat.

Other conditions impersonating asthma may be malignant tumors of the chest like lymphosarcoma and Hodgkin's disease. Also swelling of the wall of aorta known as aneurysm may cause symptoms of asthma. Sometimes inhalation of inorganic and organic substances also causes symptoms of severe asthma.

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Great Price Rabbit Air A2-Bracket for

Rabbit Air MinusA2 wall-mount kit for (model SPA-700A and SPA-780A) Review

I've had this thing running for a couple of days now, and it does work very well. I checked it using a green laser pointer, which brightly illuminates tiny particles in the air along the length of the beam. When moved across the output vent of the MinusA2 the beam becomes almost invisible, so I have no doubts it's doing it's job.

It is very quiet on the low settings, though I wouldn't go so far as to call it silent, there is a quiet steady tone emitted but it's not too bothersome unless you're close to it. I would certainly prefer if it were only the white noise of the air movement that was audible, though.


As part of my review I had previously mentioned the fact that this purifier was taking a disliking to my humidifier. I've done some further research and testing and found that it was the fault of my humidifier. It turns out that ultrasonic humidifiers inject a really nasty volume of particulate matter into the air while they run and so the MinusA2 was constantly having to filter it. This, again, was easily verifiable with my green laser pointer. I've switched to warm mist humidifiers (that simply boil/evaporate the water) and no more issues, the two live happily side-by-side.

So: DO NOT use an ultrasonic humidifier in conjunction with this purifier. In fact, based on the volume of particles they throw into the air, I'd seriously recommend against ultrasonic humidifiers in general.

I've had the MinusA2 running steady for weeks now and it's still doing it's job extremely well.

Rabbit Air MinusA2 wall-mount kit for (model SPA-700A and SPA-780A) Feature

  • This wall mount bracket is designed to fit the Rabbit Air MinusA2 air purifier.
  • What's Included: (1) Wall Mount bracket and (2) Instructions.
  • For liability reasons screws are not included. Consult your local hardware store or contractor for installation guidelines.
  • Get Free Shipping with MinusA2 Air Purifier purchase. To see the MinusA2 select "Other Products by Rabbit Air" next to the main picture.

Rabbit Air MinusA2 wall-mount kit for (model SPA-700A and SPA-780A) Overview

BioGS Ultra Quiet HEPA Air Purifier SPA-582A White

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Customer Reviews

Should not have to pay extra. - David - Southern California
The product does what it is supposed to do, but I'm giving the company one star for not including this cheap strip of metal with all of their purifiers. It is beyond ridiculous to charge people an additional to hang their expensive filters on a damn wall.

.95? - Lee M. Jensen - Richmond, CA
I like the purifier. But, why isn't this thin piece of flimsy metal included with the 0 product for which it is intended?

Kinda flimsy... could be more versatile... - H. Chen - Seattle, WA USA
This is just a cheap piece of metal plate, pretty thin and feels flimsy. It's also not very wide, I wasn't able to find 2 studs that were close enough to properly mount this and when I screwed it onto a single stud with the center 2 holes, the sides bend away from the wall a bit when the Rabbit Air is hung. I had to improvise and screw the plate onto a 5-ply piece of wood and then mounted the wood+plate onto a single stud. Seems secure now...

This is a bracket. - N. Cody - San Francisco, CA USA
Amazon keeps listing it as something I should review so here it is:
This is a bracket. It holds the purifier to the wall. It is a little lame they charge for a simple bent piece of metal. It does what it should as the purifier has yet to fall off the wall.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Apr 27, 2010 23:00:10

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Check Out Ultra Quiet Air Purifier, Toxin Absorber - Frontgate

Ultra Quiet Air Purifier, Toxin Absorber - Frontgate Review

Ultra Quiet Air Purifier, Toxin Absorber - Frontgate Overview

Remove allergens, mold, bacteria, and viruses from your home with the customizable Ultra-Quiet Air Purifier. This sleek and stylish unit not only delivers cleaner, healthier air, but also has a mood light therapy feature to facilitate a calm, relaxing environment. Choose the unit with custom filter that will benefit you the most: Germ Defense, Pet Allergy, or Toxin Absorber. The MinusA2 air purifier has six-stage air filtration system with next-generation BioGS HEPA filter that traps and destroys allergens and pollutants down to 0.3 microns in size 99.97% of the time . Purifies air in an area up to 815 sq. ft., based on 2 complete air changes per hour. Charcoal-based activated carbon filter eliminates many common household odors. Auto Mode Operation monitors indoor air quality and adjusts fan speed accordingly. Pollen Mode detects high levels of pollen and facilitates rapid removal by optimizing indoor air circulation. Light-activated Silent Mode automatically reduces nighttime noise by operating unit at an ultra-quiet level while still maintaining optimum efficiency. Long-life filters last up to 2 years based on 12 hours of daily operation. Purifier can stand alone, or be mounted on a wall. Sleek remote control requires 2 AAA batteries (included). 6' power cord.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Apr 27, 2010 12:00:10

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Monday, April 26, 2010

Bunny Air Purifier 1.AVI

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The 9 Types of Air Purifiers Here's a brief video about the 9 types of air purifiers and which works best. Discover What type is best for allergies and asthma? Why most air purifiers only clean 1/2 the air Explains Hepa, Ozone Ion and UV

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Great Price Sharp for $89.51

Sharp Replacement Filter for FPN40CX Review

Sharp Replacement Filter for FPN40CX Feature

  • Replacement filter for FPN40CX
  • Innovative - will enhance your well being.

Sharp Replacement Filter for FPN40CX Overview

The Sharp Replacement Filter for FPN40CX works to eliminate harmful impurities and bad odors when used with the Sharp Plasmacluster air purifier.

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Apr 26, 2010 01:50:09

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Sunday, April 25, 2010

How to Care For Your Toaster

One of the best things about keeping a Dualit toaster is that you can maintain it yourself and don't have to take it to the company every time there is a problem with it. These toasters are built keeping in mind the fact that they will have to be disassembled by the users of these products in case a part needs to be repaired. It is for this reason that the screws which are used in the making of a Dualit Toaster are relatively large and can be easily spotted to make it easier for users to open the toaster.

Once the toaster has been disassembled, all that is required of the users is to replace the problematic part and the toaster would be fixed. Parts for Toasters by Dualit are readily available and can be purchased from the market. Once you have done that, you need to disassemble the toaster, replace the affected part and then put the toaster back together. This is a simple process which can be carried out by anyone.

The toasters have been designed in a manner to last for a long time. The reason that removable parts have been inculcated into them is to enhance the life of the toasters. Any part of the toaster which damaged can be easily replaced which means that the toaster can be used for an infinite period of time if you keep changing the parts regularly. The fact that the parts can be removed and replaced makes these toasters very durable and long lasting. However, it is a fact that the initial prices of the toasters by Dualit are way higher than those of other such toasters available in the market. When you consider that they do not have to be thrown away when a part breaks however, they are a long term investment.

The price of a two slice toaster is around $ 120 while a three slice toaster can cost you around $ 650. A toaster by Dualit is not only a routine kitchen appliance but it also adds to the beauty of your kitchen. Once you place a dualit in your kitchen, it is sure to change the way your kitchen looks. It is not only of immense practical use but it's a pleasure to look at it because of the fine finishing. It is a style icon that can add a fresh touch to your kitchen. So if you're looking for an efficient as well as stylish toaster, then Dualit is the perfect choice.

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Electric Knife Sharpener Deals - Get a Sharp Knife Faster

Since there are lots of different companies that manufactured electric knife sharpeners, each one of them have their own deals on their products in order to gain customers. Some advertise how well theirs work. Others focus more on price. Ideally you want one that balances these two factors.

Most companies stand behind their product enough to have money back guarantees if you are not satisfied with their product. Some give great deals on their warranty. Other gives some free knives as deal if you buy their electric knife sharpeners. Different companies, different deals that are offered.

Remember that you have to spend too much money to buy electric knife sharpeners. You can get some models for as little as $30, but for better quality ones you are looking at around $100. So if you decide to purchase one, go for deals on name brand models versus no name ones.

There are lots of electric knife sharpeners to choose from and one of the great brands that are known for a long time is Chef's Choice. There are also Black and Decker, Presto Pro, and at the high-end Wusthof etc.

Great deals and good brand sharpeners have reasonable prices, but make sure it satisfies your needs. Most of brands of sharpeners have their own warranty on their units or tools when you buy and that is one of the good deals, some also offer money back guarantees.

If you try to think, companies who offer a money back warranty are the companies who have been proven to have good quality on their product or tools, since no company offers that kind of deal when they know their product does not have a good quality and material used.

Proven and tested is one of the great deals which can be offered to their consumers. When they said that their model is easy to use and can sharpen your knives within how many seconds, it should be true. Most sharpeners have their own manual to read and understand on how to use their products.

Some give great deals on prices of their electric knife sharpeners by giving discounts. There are many different brands, models and prices to choose from where you can buy them in reach with your budget.

When you buy one, you yourself should take care of it. Most things, either cheap or expensive when handle it with care it will last a long time. Before buying electric knife sharpeners, shop first from one store to another so you can compare the price.

If you are tired or busy to shop around, then you can shopping online through the internet where you can find lots of sites offering deals on electric knife sharpeners and other related products.

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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Check Out Blueair 603 Air Purifier - Standard

Blueair 603 Air Purifier - Standard Review

I was diagnosed six months ago as having a severe dust mite allergy and also as slightly allergic to cats. We have two cats, I didn't want to get rid of, so our compromise was to buy two blueair filters. We bought the 603 for the first floor, which is about 1000 square feet, and a 503 for our bedroom. We have run them nonstop since we bought them six months ago.

Last year when I went to the allergist, I had been having breathing problems for 9 months and what seemed like a nonstop cold. This winter I have felt great all winter! I think the blueair HEPA filters really made the difference (I did also put my mattress and pillows in dust mite covers).

We leave it running on high 24 hours a day, and it has worked great. It sounds like a typical fan on high, but on the HEPA Silent mode, you can't hear it. In fact my husband will turn it to HEPA Silent and I'll get mad at him because I think he's shut it off!

When we decided to buy a heavy duty HEPA filter, we wanted the best we could get, since this was seriously affecting my health. I definitely feel we did get the best. I should add that we owned a low-end Honeywell HEPA filter for years which I slept with on in my room - and it didn't help at all with my allergies. It's definitely worth getting a quality product.

Blueair 603 Air Purifier - Standard Feature

  • For people living with allergies, asthma, or other respiratory conditions.
  • SurroundAir system delivers exceptional air exchange without annoying drafts,
  • HEPASilent technology, it captures 99.97% of the tiniest 0.1 micron particles on level 1.
  • 3 Fan Speeds - Up to 490 CFM - Effective coverage area of up to 640 sq. ft
  • Includes standard HepaSilent filter.

Blueair 603 Air Purifier - Standard Overview

Ideal for large rooms up to 640 sq. ft., the Blueair 603 Air Purifier uses HEPASilent filter technology, a special ionizer, and a powerful energy-efficient fan to purify your air faster and quieter than ever before. This unit is specifically designed for those who struggle with allergies and/or asthma or who simply want to breathe cleaner air at an affordable price.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

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Customer Reviews

Blueair 603 Air Purifier, great machine! - bibrambla -
I'm very happy with the performance of my 603. I keep it on high while not sleeping and can feel the draft it creates in the apartment! It certainly moves a lot of air. I keep it on the 2nd lowest mode while I sleep, and although it's on the 2nd lowest mode, it's still so silent on this speed, I have no problem falling asleep. It's wheels are convienent for moving it, it's simplicity in operating and changing filters is very welcome! The little blue light on the corner of the machine, which is the BlueAir symbol, is rather bright at night, so I turn the machine so the light faces the wall. I also have taped a little piece of paper over it, to block the little diode light. But, aside from that very little problem, i'm extremely happy after owning the maching for about 1 month. I've noticed much less dust and even much less smells in the air from polluted air or from cleaning detergents. I would buy it again in a heartbeat!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Apr 24, 2010 15:30:07

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Air Purifier Reviews - In this video we try to give you a starting point for your air purifier research. There is a lot of air purifier misinformation out there so we just want to set the record state. We evaluate many different sources of air purifier reviews so that our site users can save time.

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Friday, April 23, 2010

Hunter Set of 2 SOLO2 Personal Air Cleaners with USB Cord

For More Info or to Buy Now: Air purification goes high tech' with the Hunter SOLO2 Personal Space Air Cleaner. Featuring touch-sensitive controls, a HEPAtech filter and a USB connection to your home computer, this air... Prices shown on the previously recorded video may not represent the current price. View to view the current selling price. HSN Item #378491

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What Air Purifier Companies Won't Tell You I was shopping for air purifiers and found some disturbing things about Oreck, Sharper Image, EcoQuest, IQAir, Panasonic and other air purifiers on the market. It saved me alot of money. WATCH MY CHANNEL FOR OTHER HELPFUL Air Purifier VIDEO AND ARTICLES ON OZONE AIR...

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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Air Purifiers and the Way That They Operate

Air purifiers are typically endorsed for providing help to people with asthma. It attacks asthma causing irritant particles such as dust and pollen then decreases the airborne toxins floating in the air. Electronic machines that work to clean the air are known as air purifiers. Particles of air and destructive bacteria are trapped and often times removed to achieve this. This is what air purifiers do, they pull pollutants such as secondhand smoke from the air. They decrease the amount of airborne dust, thereby also decreasing the amount of airborne dust mites.

Some substances that cause allergic reactions in delicate people are dust, pollen, pet dander, mold spores, and dust mite faeces. Smoking moving through the air and volatile organic compounds/VOCs can be dangerous for your health. The upholsterer, along with his work surfaces, become blanketed in dust particles which are also airborne and breathed in by the upholsterer. Those with a dust allergy will find it quite difficult to breathe. Non-seasonal allergies are often the result of dust and dust mites, so allergy sufferers can reap some benefits - especially since new allergies can surface at any time. Dangerous gases and harmful organic substances are eliminated by activated carbon filters.

One kind of these gadgets, ionic air purifiers, are believed to function through the charging of particles that are airborne and then attracting these particles to metal electrodes. This ionization method gives off a small quantity of ozone. Even though ionic type purifiers are commonly referred to as purifiers, they are not - they do not obliterate damaging matter. Ionic purifiers simply emit negative ions, which go on to neutralize oxidizers. The dust sticks to a surface as a result of the static charge.

Air purifiers used without filters can work just as well as air purifiers that come with filters. The majority of non-filtered purifiers also don't have fans. Foam, cotton, fiberglass or synthetic fibers are some typical materials included. Filters can't totally get rid of biological hazards because they only catch particles in the air. The UV light in EGF systems kick in when the filter is done, greatly decreasing the level of biological pollutants being distributed through the unit.

Respiratory problems are becoming much more common around the world as the air quality both outdoors and in our homes is growing significantly worse. Due to respiratory problems like asthma and other allergy related illnesses, it is important to keep the air your family breathes free from pollutants. Indoor air pollution is rapidly moving to the top of the list of environmental issues that need to be addressed immediately. If you want to buy a home air purifier, something you should consider first is the location that the pollutants originate from.

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Check Out Austin Air Pet Machine Air Purifier - Silver

Austin Air Pet Machine Air Purifier - Silver Review

Austin Air Pet Machine Air Purifier - Silver Feature

  • 60 sq. ft. true HEPA medical filter medium - long, 5-year filter life.
  • Meets HEPA standards, trapping 99.97% of all particulates larger than 0.3 microns.
  • Nearly 15 lbs of solid activated carbon and zeolite for odor and gas removal.
  • 3 Speeds - 400cfm on high setting: cleans a room area of up to 1500 ft.
  • Color: Silver

Austin Air Pet Machine Air Purifier - Silver Overview

Innovative air filter specifically designed for pet owners. Specialized four-stage filtration relieves asthma and allergies by eliminating pet allergens and odors.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Apr 22, 2010 10:45:16

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Asthma, Then and Now

Asthma can be a very frightening experience, and not just for the person who has it. Many parents spend a lot of anxious moments when there children have asthma attacks. Now, we have a lot of different treatments for the problem. Inhalers, corticosteroids, strong anti-inflammatory medications and other advances can reduce the fear and ease the suffering.

While asthma wasn't given its name until the Greek era, it was understood to a certain extent as far back as Ancient Egypt. The Egyptians used Balsam Apple, Frankincense and sesame to treat it. Balsam apple is also called bitter melon, and doesn't seem to have any effectiveness for that purpose. The fruit, seed and rinds are toxic, and can cause problems such as miscarriage and premature delivery. The leaves can be eaten, but have to be prepared in a specific way.

Frankincense could be very useful for asthma and other types of coughing. It is a blood thinner, so it could have a lot of interactions. Sesame seeds may be useful, but care has to be taken as it could also cause an attack if you are allergic. It is a member of the carrot family, so if you are sensitive to one member, you could be allergic to all.

The Greeks provided us with a name and description of asthma via Galen. The term is defined as: "to pant, to exhale with the mouth open, sharp breath." Galen prescribed owl's blood mixed with wine. I think I'm glad I have an inhaler.

The Ancient Greeks also used mugwort, which is a member of the wormwood (and chrysanthemum) family. For occasional use it might be okay, but long term and large amounts can cause a lot of health problems. The relaxant nature of the herb could help with asthma attacks.

The Ancient Romans introduced hydrotherapy to the equation, and it can help. The cleanliness probably helped as well.

Traditional Chinese Medicine agrees with a Native American remedy in the use of ephedra. While it probably helped the asthma, it probably killed a goodly number of the asthmatics, as it triggers fight or flight responses in a big way. The adrenalin rush has killed, which is why it is banned in the U.S.

The Native Americans of both continents treated asthma. Peruvians used Peruvian balsam, and those in North America used skunk cabbage, lobelia, tobacco and mullein. The latter was introduced by European settlers, where it swiftly escaped cultivation.

All of these may have some effectiveness, but there are problems with both lobelia and tobacco. As most of us know, tobacco can cause lung problems, and in some asthmatics it can trigger attacks. Lobelia is a purgative, and it can also shut down the central nervous system. As it can also shut down your breathing and heart beat, it can kill you.

The treatments used for asthma today include rescue inhalers, steroid based inhalers and a lot of other medications. We can keep track of how controlled the disease is with peak flow meters and doctors have a good understanding of the mechanics of the disease. Tests can tell what the triggers are. I'm glad for the advances, but it's good to know that there was at least something that could be done throughout history.

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Do Ionic Air Purifiers Really Work

Do you know what the difference is between an indoor air cleaner and an air purifier?

Air cleaning is when harmful particles are filtered from the air. A room air purifier, in contrast, is intended to destroy mold spores, bacteria and viruses that are in the air.

Despite their name, ionic air purifiers do not actually purify the surrounding air. This is because they do nothing to kill off airborne microorganisms. Instead, they are air cleaners and should, in reality, be called that.

The Technology Behind Ionic Air Purifiers

Ionic air purifiers, also called ionizers, are built with negative ion generators. As you may guess from the name, it continually generates and sends out a stream of negative ions. Negative ions are atoms or molecules that have lost an electron.

These negative ions are attracted to the positive particles in the air and as a result, the negative ions join with the positive particles. This combined weight of the particles in the ionic air, results in them becoming too heavy and eventually, they fall to the floor because of their own weight. The end result is that all manner of particles are removed from the surrounding air.

The Quiet Air Cleaner Purifier

To many people, the science behind how an ionic air purifier works makes it the ideal choice. They are also popular because they are quiet and use little energy. Unlike most air purifiers, ionic air cleaners do not normally have air filters that need regular replacement.

What is the Black Dust from Ionic Air Purifiers?

Ionic air purifiers emit a stream of negative ions, which are attracted to particles in the air, causing those particles to fall to the floor. However, they can also fall onto other surfaces within the room. These areas and surfaces are also positively charged. Therefore, the particles falling from the ionic air are attracted to the room's surfaces. The black dust effect that can be seen around the ionic air purifier is the result of this process.

While it is true that ionic air purifiers are able to remove airborne particles, the downside is that are easily returned to the air. This is because they are on the floor and other surfaces of the room. Movement of people through the room can create a draft, which stirs them back up. Ultimately, the harmful particles are returned to the air.

To overcome this problem, some ionic air purifiers have some additional electronics called electrostatic precipitators. They work as a filtration device that effectively traps harmful particles onto charged metal plates. So that they remain effective, the plates need to be cleaned on a regular basis.

Consumer Report Studies on Ionic Air Purifiers

In 2005, Consumer Reports published the results of a study into ionic air purifiers. The research concluded that ionic air purifiers failed in their job of cleaning the air. As well as that, they also discovered that these type air purifiers also added high levels of ozone to the air.

Unfortunately, high levels of ozone are toxic. In fact, studies suggest that ozone can cause damage to the lungs and the respiratory tract.

The Healthier Option.

If you are looking to improve the air quality in your home, an ionic air purifier is probably not the best answer from a health point of view. They say that prevention is better than cure and that can apply to air quality as well. Keeping the air healthy in the first place is a far better option.

One way to do this is to get rid of carpets and rugs, which collect and hold harmful pollutants.

You should also only smoke outside and never burn candles or incense indoors.

Installation of outdoor venting fans in a bathroom and kitchen will go a long way in helping air circulation.

Whenever possible, open windows to air you house.

These simple but effective ways to purify the air in your home will be a lot more effective than any ionic air purifier out there.

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Drilling Machines and Its Varied Use?

There has been a transition from the bow drills of the Egyptian times to the more advanced motor machines. They offer comfort, ease and speed to drill in to any hard surface within few seconds. Be it to fit your Air conditioning system, water coolers or purifiers and other domestic appliances.

With use of power - with cord

With use of rechargeable batteries - without cord

Cordless drills allow you to carry it even to places where there is no socket. You can drill any where without the use of power. It is cordless and needs a rechargeable battery to run the machine. These rechargeable ones will allow you to charge two spare batteries while the other two batteries are in use in the machine. You can quickly change the charged batteries once the earlier ones runs out if charge. Thus, saves you time. These are useful at places where there is no current supply and there are frequent power cuts.

Rock drilling types, hand machines, radial type, boring and milling type, core cutters, multiple spindle type etc you may find a variety of these machines. Reach out to the service provider or a manufacturer for a machine that is suitable for your purpose.

In case of a milling machine, it is used for metal reshaping. These are also used for reshaping of other solid materials. They can either be of a vertical type or of a horizontal variety. The cutting tool spindle's position determines whether it is in the horizontal position or vertical position.

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Monday, April 19, 2010

Sharp FPP40CX Air Purifier

An overview of the Sharp FPP40CX air purifier.

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لم أكن أدرك أننا وفي بضع سنين فقط قد جمعنا هذا الكم الهائل من الأغراض إلا عندما رأيتها أمامي مكدسة في ٣٦ علبة ضخمة من الكرتون. نعم هذه أغراضنا أكدت لي زوجتي بينما كنت أحاول أن أتخيل ولو للحظة أن بعضها قد يكون للجيران وأننا غير مسؤلين عن تحويل الممر المجاور لبيتنا القديم إلى مستودع قديم مظلم ومهمل!! في بضع ساعات تحول بيتنا الجديد الواسع إلى حلبة سباق بين الأشياء لتأخذ مكاناً على الأرفف أو في الخزائن كي لا ينتهي بها الأمر في المستودع أو في مكب النفايات... لكنني كنت بعيداً عن كل هذا أعيد اكتشاف صور لنا كنت قد نسيت وجودها ، فالآن كل شيء رقمي وموجود على الكومبيوتر وهذه الصور القديمة والرائعة كانت قابعة في خزانة ما تحت طن من الأغراض. لحسن حظي فإن طابعة إيبسون تي إكس ٦٥٠ المزودة بماسح ضوئي ستعيد لتلك الصور رونقها وتساعدني في نقلها إلى الكومبيوتر لكي أتمكن من الاستمتاع بها ومشاركتها مع عائلتي وأصدقائي. وأفضل مافي الأمر أنني لست بحاجة لوصل الطابعة بالكومبيوتر كما هو حال معظم الطابعات والماسحات الضوئية الأمر الذي يسبب انشغال جهازين للقيام بمهمة واحدة. الآن يمكن لإبني ذو الخمس سنوات أن يضع الصور ويضغط زراً واحداً وستقوم الإيبسون بتخزين جميع الصور علي ذاكرة الفلاش مباشرة بينما أنا أعمل على الكومبيوتر وأحصل على جميع الصور دفعة واحدة. كما يمكني طباعة الصور بدقة عالية على ورق خاص بعد أن أعالجها علي الكومبيوتر. ولعل الفائدة الكبرى بالنسبة لي هي أن إيبسون شغلت ابني عني في أمر مفيد وسهل بينما أنا أنهي عملي! إن بيتنا الجديد مشمس ويطل على البحر بهواءه العليل النقي ، لكنني أحب لبيتي أن يكون عامراً بالصحة وأن أحمي عائلتي من الأمراض والحساسية ، ومنقي الجو أيون من شارب بتقنية البلازما كلاستر أتش ...

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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Hunter Set of 2 Permalife Air Purifiers - for 10' x 12' ...

For More Info or to Buy Now: Breathe easier and create a happier home with the Hunter Set of 2 Permalife Air Purifiers. They attack dust, pollen, smoke, pet dander and odors. Each of the two compact purifiers is rated for... Prices shown on the previously recorded video may not represent the current price. View to view the current selling price. HSN Item #495316

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Check Out Rabbit Air MinusA2 wall-mount kit for (model SPA-700A and SPA-780A)

Rabbit Air MinusA2 wall-mount kit for (model SPA-700A and SPA-780A) Review

I've had this thing running for a couple of days now, and it does work very well. I checked it using a green laser pointer, which brightly illuminates tiny particles in the air along the length of the beam. When moved across the output vent of the MinusA2 the beam becomes almost invisible, so I have no doubts it's doing it's job.

It is very quiet on the low settings, though I wouldn't go so far as to call it silent, there is a quiet steady tone emitted but it's not too bothersome unless you're close to it. I would certainly prefer if it were only the white noise of the air movement that was audible, though.


As part of my review I had previously mentioned the fact that this purifier was taking a disliking to my humidifier. I've done some further research and testing and found that it was the fault of my humidifier. It turns out that ultrasonic humidifiers inject a really nasty volume of particulate matter into the air while they run and so the MinusA2 was constantly having to filter it. This, again, was easily verifiable with my green laser pointer. I've switched to warm mist humidifiers (that simply boil/evaporate the water) and no more issues, the two live happily side-by-side.

So: DO NOT use an ultrasonic humidifier in conjunction with this purifier. In fact, based on the volume of particles they throw into the air, I'd seriously recommend against ultrasonic humidifiers in general.

I've had the MinusA2 running steady for weeks now and it's still doing it's job extremely well.

Rabbit Air MinusA2 wall-mount kit for (model SPA-700A and SPA-780A) Feature

  • This wall mount bracket is designed to fit the Rabbit Air MinusA2 air purifier.
  • What's Included: (1) Wall Mount bracket and (2) Instructions.
  • For liability reasons screws are not included. Consult your local hardware store or contractor for installation guidelines.
  • Get Free Shipping with MinusA2 Air Purifier purchase. To see the MinusA2 select "Other Products by Rabbit Air" next to the main picture.

Rabbit Air MinusA2 wall-mount kit for (model SPA-700A and SPA-780A) Overview

BioGS Ultra Quiet HEPA Air Purifier SPA-582A White

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Customer Reviews

Should not have to pay extra. - David - Southern California
The product does what it is supposed to do, but I'm giving the company one star for not including this cheap strip of metal with all of their purifiers. It is beyond ridiculous to charge people an additional to hang their expensive filters on a damn wall.

.95? - Lee M. Jensen - Richmond, CA
I like the purifier. But, why isn't this thin piece of flimsy metal included with the 0 product for which it is intended?

Kinda flimsy... could be more versatile... - H. Chen - Seattle, WA USA
This is just a cheap piece of metal plate, pretty thin and feels flimsy. It's also not very wide, I wasn't able to find 2 studs that were close enough to properly mount this and when I screwed it onto a single stud with the center 2 holes, the sides bend away from the wall a bit when the Rabbit Air is hung. I had to improvise and screw the plate onto a 5-ply piece of wood and then mounted the wood+plate onto a single stud. Seems secure now...

This is a bracket. - N. Cody - San Francisco, CA USA
Amazon keeps listing it as something I should review so here it is:
This is a bracket. It holds the purifier to the wall. It is a little lame they charge for a simple bent piece of metal. It does what it should as the purifier has yet to fall off the wall.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Apr 18, 2010 04:20:10

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Saturday, April 17, 2010

AIR PURIFIER REVIEW - CONSUMERS REPORT BEST Attention all Allergy Sufferers and Anyone In Search of the Worlds Most Effective Air Purifier! Amazing NEW 9-stage Air Purifier Technology Makes Other Purifiers Obsolete New Breakthrough Air Purifier Technology Transforms the Way We Clean the Dirty, Unhealthy Air...

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Great Price Lightning LA-1 XP for $349.00

Lightningair Air Purifier up to 2500 Sq/ft Like Oreck Xl By Spring Air Review

Lightningair Air Purifier up to 2500 Sq/ft Like Oreck Xl By Spring Air Overview

The Lightning Air blends into your home decor.The LA-2 is for normal indoor spaces such as homes and offices. The LA-4 is for bars, restaurants and heavily used areas.The LightningAir PurifierThe LightningAir is not a filter. Instead it re-creates the same process that Nature uses to keep the air fresh and clean. It generates the negative ions that nature uses to clear the air of dust and other particles. Plus it has a built-in O3 Sanitizer to remove odors without the use of fragrances. O3 breaks down mold, mildew and other pollutants at their source.Refresh the AirLike the water we drink and the food we eat, the air we breathe has a great impact on our quality of life. The LightningAir can reduce sources of discomfort which contribute to allergies, hay fever and other types of airborne irritation. Utilizing both negative ions and O3, your LightningAir can significantly reduce: Odors from Pets, Cooking, Tobacco, Etc. Mold, Mildew and Pollen Chemical Gases and Paint Fumes Bacteria, Viruses and Fungi Dust and Smoke ParticlesControl the CleaningThe Ionic Purifier comes on automatically as you turn the unit on. Negative ions can be created around the clock to keep down dust and particulate.The O3 Sanitizer has a separate control and is most effective in unoccupied spaces. Activated oxygen is kept at modest levels in occupied spaces. To remove major odors as well as mold & mildew, simply close off the area and let the Sanitizer do the work. Some use a timer to completely deodorize the home or office while away. Unused O3 reverts back to O2 in about an hour.Click here to learn more about the O3 Sanitizer.So Easy to UseThe LA-2SP has a convenient handle on the back and is totally portable. Just plug in and start to enjoy clean, mountain-fresh air for only pennies a day! Durable ceramic plates are removed through slots in the back of the unit like a CD and can be washed with a cleaner for easy maintenance.

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Friday, April 16, 2010

Weird amphibian balloon

Weird thing with balloon and air purifier

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Great Price HealthMate for

HealthMate Air Purifier Review

HealthMate Air Purifier Feature

  • The Seller usually ships this product within 1-2 business days. In accordance with their customer-centric policy, this Seller does not charge your credit card until the product has been shipped. If unexpectedly, a product is on back order, the Seller may take longer to ship the product however the Seller in all cases, will inform its customers immediately with a choice to cancel or hold the order until shipped.
  • Before you use any product for health care, we advise that you consult your physician or primary healthcare provider and seek the appropriate advice and supervision prior to use.
  • Product photo may not exactly match the product offered for sale. Please refer to the product description.

HealthMate Air Purifier Overview

HealthMate Air PurifierCommercial grade air purifier improves indoor air quality by helping to remove 99.97% of all airborne particulate matter larger than .3 microns, while also eliminating over 3000 toxic odors. The Healthmate filter has been engineered to last for up to 5 years. Constructed from solid steel with a non-toxic, sandstone painted finish. Cleans up to 1500 square feet, with 15 lbs. of Carbon-Zeolite mix and True Medical HEPA filter media. Dimensions: 23'H x 14½'W x 14½'L. Weight: 45 lbs. Power rating: 1.3 amps, 120Volts, 115 Watts at highest setting. 5-year mechanical warranty from manufacturer. Includes casters. Product photo may not exactly match the product offered for sale. Please refer to the product description.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Apr 16, 2010 07:05:05

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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Check Out Winix PlasmaWave 5300 Air Cleaner Model for $169.89

Winix PlasmaWave 5300 Air Cleaner Model Review

I've been researching air purifiers for awhile and finally decided to try this one out. I had been waiting on Amazon's price to become a little more competitive, but they haven't budged in months so I finally gave up and unfortunately had to buy elsewhere; I prefer to buy from Amazon Prime though because quick, safe, and easy :). This little beauty is well worth the asking price though and had I known how much I would love it I probably would hit the "add to cart" button long ago.
The Winix 5300 on its lowest setting seems to be moving just as much air as my old air purifier (Bionaire) did on it's highest setting and the Winix does it whisper quiet (to be fair the Bionaire does have a lower CADR rating).
The Winix is quite loud on it's highest TURBO setting, however this is unavoidable as it is moving MASSIVE amounts of air (a VERY ADMIRABLE QUALITY in an air purifier). The Turbo setting is really only intended to be used when you are not in the room anyway, or if you are trying to do a "quick clean" of the air (like after an event such as cooking, dusting, etc.) The "auto" feature seems to work well, it increases and decreases the fan speed based on what it senses the air quality is in the room. I find myself just leaving it on "auto" most of the time.
The plasma feature is nice, you can hear a very quiet clicking sound while it is on if the fan is on the lowest setting (not the fan clicking but the plasma functioning), on higher fan settings it is undetectable. The plasma feature can be turned off and on with the press of a button on the remote. Another nice feature is the built-in remote control storage on the top of the unit.
The HEPA filter fits very snuggly in the unit, and is covered by a carbon filter. The unit also comes with 3 additional carbon filters which are replaced more frequently as they are mostly responsible for capturing odors, hair, dust etc. The filter was very easy to install and everything seems to be built quite sturdy no rattling or shaking parts (another problem I had with my old air purifier).
So far I am very impressed with this unit, I'll see how it holds up over the next year, and update my review accordingly. As for now I'm loving the Fresh Air!!!

Winix PlasmaWave 5300 Air Cleaner Model Feature

  • 3-stage air cleaning unit removes indoor pollutants and odors for healthier living
  • No ozone or harmful by-products produced
  • Built-in air quality sensor adjusts fan speed automatically
  • Designed for large spaces; certified for rooms up to 350 square feet
  • Energy Star approved; 1-year limited warranty

Winix PlasmaWave 5300 Air Cleaner Model Overview

The Winix plasma wave air cleaner model 5300 features 3 stages of air cleaning to capture and neutralize a broad range of indoor pollutants quietly and efficiently. The hepa filter captures 99.97-percent of particles as small as 0.3 microns in size, the carbon pre-filter absorbs odors and voc's (volatile organic chemicals), and the plasma wave plasma generator attacks airborne pollutants at the molecular level. A built-in air quality sensor provides "set-and-forget" operation by adjusting the fan speed automatically. Suitable for very large rooms: clean air delivery rate of more than 280-square-feet.

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Customer Reviews

Perfectly work like dream! - A. Durongkadej - Los Angeles, CA
I can not believe it that this item will work at the first place, but only one day of use, I never wake up in allergy in the morning, room air is refreshing and friends come into my house and feel different! We usually have runny nose when we are together, but after this Winix comes into play, we do not have that symtom anymore. thanks for this Winix air purifier. I am very satisfy. The only bad thing about this is that the size of it and the fan sound when turn on in turbo mode. plus filter is quite costly.

Great for eliminating a cough - Jessica - KY United States
We bought this for our son that has a seasonal asthma cough. We keep it off during the day and on sleep mode at night. Over the past week of having this on, he has not coughed at all! Wish we would have ordered this years ago!

great product - D. Hamner - Sacramento, CA
The Winix PlasmaWave 5300 Air Cleaner works very well. It is quiet and effective. I like how it sences the air quality and adjusts its speed automatically to purify the air. We have notice less allergy problems since we started using this product.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Apr 15, 2010 22:40:11

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Great Price Sharp FP-P40CX for $295.71

Sharp FP-P40CX Plasmacluster Air Purifier Review

When you live with carpeting, like we do, dust is your enemy. You don't tend to notice it in the air unless you happen to catch the sunlight just right. Some carpet material is better than others as far as dust, yet air pollution is a major concern everywhere.

Add to that our body becoming more allergic to dust and air pollution as we age and we really should consider a good air cleaner as a standard home appliance these days.

We have used three different types of air cleaners and this Sharp is BY FAR the best. Not only does it do it's job of cleaning the air of dust and pollen, but it does it quietly. We've had this excellent machine running constantly in our bedroom since we got it almost two years ago.

I put it on auto mode and it just takes care of it's business without the usual fan noise most others seem to need to work. If the sensor detects a certain level of dust in the air it will increase the fan automatically until the dust level is reduced then returns to quiet mode.

In the spring, I change to the Pollen mode and that reduces the pollen as well as the dust.

Never have to concern ourselves with turning on and off, just leave it on auto or pollen mode.

Before this I used to wake up in the morning with a layer of caked dust in my mouth - otherwise known as dry mouth. It was a morning challenge cleaning this mess out of my mouth and throat. Now, I brush, gargle and am down the road in no time.

A truly superior home appliance we will not live without.

Sharp FP-P40CX Plasmacluster Air Purifier Feature

  • Air purifier with Plasmacluster technology and HEPA filter
  • Clean mode emits positive and negative ions to deactivate impurities
  • For rooms up to 253 square feet; carbon filter helps remove odors
  • Special pollen mode; 4 speeds; timer; convenient remote control
  • Measures 7-7/8 by 16-1/3 by 22-4/9 inches; 1-year limited warranty

Sharp FP-P40CX Plasmacluster Air Purifier Overview

Plasmacluster air purifier with a true HEPA filter and ion control.

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Customer Reviews

High quality purifier - toyVersity - United States
Quite Air filter, on silent mode one need to look at the led to make sure its on. The quality is exceptional, well worth the premium price ... Although hard to find would purchase this item again. A++++ for Amazon's customer service. Fast delivery!

Sharp PlasmaCluster most excellent - Bobby -
An amazing piece of hardware. Dead quiet and totally automatic, the remote control isn't really needed. Set the machine on Auto and the plasma clusters turn on if the air has been deemed to be unclean. After a few minutes, it reverts back to a low clean level rest phase totally automatically. Set it and forget it.

maintenance too high - C. G. Bacon -
It is now one year since I bought this for my mom - she loves it and says it does a great job, but for me, I wouldve bought something else had I known about Sharp's business practices.

I went looking for replacement filters today. The product description says no filters need be replaced for at least 2 years, but the "change filter" light for the non-washable filters came on and stayed on at 6 months (she has no pets either)

About the only place to get replacement filters is from Sharp's website at full retail price and they want 0 for the hepa filter which is over a third of the price of the unit (thats 0/year folks)

I just went and bought the hepa and charcoal filters from Sharp (as I had no choice) and they require shipping costs of .75 for the charcoal filter and a separate .25 shipping charge for the hepa filter even though I am ordering them together.

So yes, if you dont mind getting royally reamed for the accessories, go ahead and purchase this. I am sure that products exist that do as good a job cleaning the air that have a must lower cost of ownership - If I were you I'd buy one of those.

PFIL-A078KKFA PRE FILTER .50 + .75 shipping
PFIL-A097KKEZ HEPA FILTER 0.00 + 14.25 shipping

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Apr 15, 2010 13:15:07

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How to Install Shingles

Shingles on the roof make one's home look like a picture postcard. It isn't a big surprise that shingles have retained their popularity as the ideal roofing material for most homeowners over the years.

Choosing one's shingle is the easiest part of the deal. There are a thousand other things that need to be kept in mind if the owner is planning on installing his shingles himself.

It is always best to get some expert professional advise before installation, but most average American home owners prefer to do the work themselves. It is important to realize that working alone on the roof can in some cases prove to be a rather dangerous proposition and it is advisable to get a helping hand. A proper ladder should be used and, if it is metal, it should be kept at a safe distance from electrical wires and other similar items that might be on the roof. Working in cold and wet weather should be strictly avoided and the installer should always wear rubber-soled shoes. Reliable roof brackets should be used for proper support.

If re-roofing is required, it should be done with an eye for detail. Sufficient roofing felt should be used if the roof has to be renovated completely. If the owner is trying to place fresh shingles over three layers of already-existing roof, the three layers should be totally removed to make room for the new shingles. If it is a matter of removing damaged shingles, it should be skillfully done either with a sharp knife or a pry bar. While new felting is done, feather clips may be used for a smooth look. A drip cap may also be placed on the low edge of the roof when re-roofing.

While making one's choice of shingles, a number of factors have to be considered. The installer should spare a thought for the slope of his roof (the nature of the slope), the weather conditions that his home is usually exposed to, his budget, his choice of color, and the design he wants. Available warranties should be carefully evaluated and it should be found out whether the chosen shingles match the market standards or not.

The shingles should be carefully cut and molded according to the requirements of the roof. User manuals should be followed in case of any difficulty. Laying shingles in roof valleys, roof vents, and chimneys can prove to be a tricky business sometimes. The shingles should be properly measured and placed.

Installing shingles maybe backbreaking work for some, but at the end of it all, it gives immense satisfaction to the homeowner and makes him aware of his physical contribution in making his home picture perfect.

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