An air filter is defined as an instrument or a machine, meant to catch and eliminate solid particles like mold, dust, bacteria and pollen from air. Having a clean air is directly connected to production quality of any industry. So strict standards must be kept. As they are directly associated with the manufacturing process, they can affect the bottom line of the company depending on its working.
The different types of air purifiers in the industry are:
Bag filters
High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) / Ultra Low Particulate Air (ULPA) filter
Fan filters
Box filters
Panel filters
Pre filters
Bag Filters
They are normally used to filter dust in industrial filter applications. The general flow is directed from outwards to inside of the filter. It also relies on the nature of application. The segregation of the particles occurs on the outside surface of the filter. This is different from other filters where the separation occurs on the inside of the bag filter.
High Efficiency Particulate Air Filters
High Efficiency Particulate Air Filters, or popularly called as just the HEPA filters, are largely considered as the best amongst all filters. If you use it along with activated carbon or zeolite canister, it becomes a complete filter by proving its effectiveness against particulates and odors and lots of gases. The history behind HEPA filters goes that it was invented by the Atomic Energy Commission to provide a safe environment to their researchers operate and protect them against radioactive dust particles. The High Efficiency Particulate Air filters are very effective against particulates that are as tiny as 0.3 microns and with an excellent efficiency rate of 99.97%. This means, from 10000 articulates present in air, only 3 particles would not be caught by the purifier. The HEPA filters are primarily used for laminar airflow cabinets.
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