Winix PlasmaWave 5300 Air Cleaner Model Review

I've been researching air purifiers for awhile and finally decided to try this one out. I had been waiting on Amazon's price to become a little more competitive, but they haven't budged in months so I finally gave up and unfortunately had to buy elsewhere; I prefer to buy from Amazon Prime though because quick, safe, and easy :). This little beauty is well worth the asking price though and had I known how much I would love it I probably would hit the "add to cart" button long ago.
The Winix 5300 on its lowest setting seems to be moving just as much air as my old air purifier (Bionaire) did on it's highest setting and the Winix does it whisper quiet (to be fair the Bionaire does have a lower CADR rating).
The Winix is quite loud on it's highest TURBO setting, however this is unavoidable as it is moving MASSIVE amounts of air (a VERY ADMIRABLE QUALITY in an air purifier). The Turbo setting is really only intended to be used when you are not in the room anyway, or if you are trying to do a "quick clean" of the air (like after an event such as cooking, dusting, etc.) The "auto" feature seems to work well, it increases and decreases the fan speed based on what it senses the air quality is in the room. I find myself just leaving it on "auto" most of the time.
The plasma feature is nice, you can hear a very quiet clicking sound while it is on if the fan is on the lowest setting (not the fan clicking but the plasma functioning), on higher fan settings it is undetectable. The plasma feature can be turned off and on with the press of a button on the remote. Another nice feature is the built-in remote control storage on the top of the unit.
The HEPA filter fits very snuggly in the unit, and is covered by a carbon filter. The unit also comes with 3 additional carbon filters which are replaced more frequently as they are mostly responsible for capturing odors, hair, dust etc. The filter was very easy to install and everything seems to be built quite sturdy no rattling or shaking parts (another problem I had with my old air purifier).
So far I am very impressed with this unit, I'll see how it holds up over the next year, and update my review accordingly. As for now I'm loving the Fresh Air!!!
Winix PlasmaWave 5300 Air Cleaner Model Feature
- 3-stage air cleaning unit removes indoor pollutants and odors for healthier living
- No ozone or harmful by-products produced
- Built-in air quality sensor adjusts fan speed automatically
- Designed for large spaces; certified for rooms up to 350 square feet
- Energy Star approved; 1-year limited warranty
Winix PlasmaWave 5300 Air Cleaner Model Overview
The Winix plasma wave air cleaner model 5300 features 3 stages of air cleaning to capture and neutralize a broad range of indoor pollutants quietly and efficiently. The hepa filter captures 99.97-percent of particles as small as 0.3 microns in size, the carbon pre-filter absorbs odors and voc's (volatile organic chemicals), and the plasma wave plasma generator attacks airborne pollutants at the molecular level. A built-in air quality sensor provides "set-and-forget" operation by adjusting the fan speed automatically. Suitable for very large rooms: clean air delivery rate of more than 280-square-feet.
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Customer Reviews
Efficient and quiet. - M. Buonincontri -
I was about to purchase a Holmes unit when I decided to do a little more investigating, and I am glad I did. This unit does not take up a lot of floor space, is very quiet on the lowest setting (which is all you need for maintenance), and works really well. When it is set on automatic, it will kick on high to get rid of whatever it is that is making the air dirty and usually turns back to low within five minutes (depending on the offending environmental particle).
Bonus: it has a remote control. On the remote, you can shut off the plasma wave, which has a crackling sound which is not really detectable, but shutting it off will make the unit even more quiet. Again, the on-off for this is on the remote, not on the unit. Remote also has fan speed control, which is available on the unit. You can also change modes on the unit from auto to a fan speed of your choice as well as sleep mode.
I bought this a month ago, and I wake up breathing easier than before I had the unit. I have two indoor cats, and I keep the litter box in the main living area (small apartment). You cannot tell there are cats in the apartment with the Winix.
Double Bonus: It's Energy Star rated.
Lots of power!!!! WOW!!! - paragon012 - New Jersey
i bought this air purifier after i was genuinely disappointed by another one - the Surround Air Xj3000 C (check my review on that one if you wish ) and honestly i didn't expect a lot. but was i wrong...:)))) this unit is absolutely amazing - lots and lots of power, strong but yet quiet fan (you barely notice it on the first 2 settings) very nice design and as i was able to understand first hand- excellent customer service on the part of the Winix people - i had a few questions and they were all answered very promptly .
When i said - "lots and lots of power " just consider this - my living room is about 400 sq.feet. there were three smokers in it puffing for a few hours. the air purifier is either on turbo mode or the third setting. all the windows and doors are closed. two friends of mine came in and they COULD NOT tell that anybody did smoke in the room!!! no smell, NADA !!!and that is about cigarette smoke - the one that stays for days and really really stinks.
another example - after a few hours of use i opened the cover and checked the carbon filter - guess what - it was clogged with my cats hair ( the little guy shreds a lot ) , and i just vacuumed the house that same day! now i know and i check that pre-filter every 2 or 3 days and vacuum it just to be sure i get all the suction i'm supposed to.
to put it briefly - cigarette smell - gone, cat smell- gone, litter box smell -gone, dog smell ( yes, we have a dog too :)) - gone. when my wife cooks - we put the Winix it the kitchen - cooking smell -you guessed it - gone the second it hits the unit.
In conclusion - I'm very satisfied with the Winix 5300 and hope it lasts a while . it's a great air purifier for a very fair price . Amazon did a great job with the shipping - it came in 3 days even with the Super Saver shipping. i'm giving it only 5 stars just because they don't let me rate it six:)))))
What a Relief - M. Carlisle - Dallas, Texas
Did a lot of research looking at larger air purifiers. Winix is getting some good reviews at the allergy specialist / clean air sites.
I picked up one from Amazon to place in our living area around 20x15 foot area.
The unit surprised me very quiet, auto speed fan and odor detection which modulates the speed of the fan along with the plasma cleaning option (off or on).
The unit will take the Winix 9000 series filter which is five stages also a big plus.
The unit is super quiet on low to medium speeds and moves a lot of air. Turbo mode moves a ton of air and naturally is more noticeable noise wise.
Great unit quality built a true winner in my book. I liked this unit so much after the first week I purchased another for the formal living area.
Very satisfied with the product.
*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Feb 21, 2010 20:45:04
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