Thursday, June 3, 2010

Best Air Purifiers - Take A Deep Breath

Are you hoping to find information on the best air purifiers on the market? There are several different types on the market to choose from including HEPA, ionic and ozone. Each has slightly different features and capabilities. There are many doubters in the world of science and other communities as well that don't believe that air purifiers do what they say they do. The doubters believe that it is a "placebo" effect on the users and that nothing really changes and that the manufacturers are using scare tactics and false promises to entice buyers. That said, there are those who can cite scientific studies to the contrary-that the best air purifiers really do make a difference to the users in more ways than one.

Different Types

First to describe the different types of air purifiers: The HEPA runs air through a special filter that "catches" any harmful pollutants, bacteria, or allergens and takes it out of the air. The ozone air purifier puts ozone into the air which attaches to harmful substances and makes them harmless-however this type of air purifier has shown to be harmful to persons with some respiratory problems and is one of the best air purifiers used in places where there are no people. The ionic air purifier emits negative ions into the air which attach to harmful substances, viruses, bacteria, dust mites, etc. and then when the particles get too heavy and fall to the floor they are vacuumed up.

Consumer's Opinions

Sites on the internet like rate the best air purifiers so that you won't have to. The ratings are done by actual consumers who use the products. According to epinions, the top two rated, best air purifiers were the DeLonghi Freshzone DAP130 Air Purifier and the Sharp Plasmacluster FP-N60CX Air Purifier. They were rated highly not only on effectiveness, but also quietness and looks. They were easy to use as well. The only complaints that were noted were that the replacement filters were very expensive and that on one unit you had to control it with a remote rather than on the unit itself. Each of these "best air purifiers" received a total of 5 stars out of five.

Those air purifiers that received 4 and a half or 4 stars on the epinions site also deserve an honorable mention. The Honeywell Enviracaire 50250 was the 4 ½ star recipient among the best air purifiers, rating highly on air circulation, odor removal, and allergy relief by the various raters. However, all of the raters also noted that it was very noisy and therefore it rated poorly in this area. It is important to most people that their air purifier is not seen or heard and at least in this group the best air purifiers were not. The 4 star recipients were Austin Healthmate Air Purifier and IQAir HealthPro Plus Air Purifier. For allergy and asthma sufferers the IQAir was one of the best air purifiers because it allowed them to breathe freely and sleep through the night. One of the raters rated it low on initial cost, but then said that the cost was worth it because of the benefits that they got from it.

There are many more air purification products out there on the market today. You will probably want to do your own research by talking to people who have air purifiers, looking online, asking your doctor or other health professional, and getting as much information as you can. The air we breathe affects us every moment of our lives-make sure to make the most of it.

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