Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Oreck Air Purifier: How To Compare Models

The line of Oreck air purifier units on the market is a good indication that this company has the technology and the tools to offer you the help that you need in removing harmful pollutants from the air that you breathe. You may not realize just how much is in that air. From pet dander, odors, chemicals, pollen and other toxins that enter into your lungs, the need for an air purifying system is great. If you haven't thought about purchasing one, the time is excellent to do so right now. The line of Oreck air purifier units allows you to find the right product for your specific needs and your budget.

For one, Oreck offers a wide range of purifiers for various situations. The most common are simple, desktop filtration units that you can use in your home office or your business office. You can also purchase a full sized model for helping to keep your entire home's air clean. Or, select the Oreck Refrigerator Air Purifier which will keep harmful toxins found in the refrigerator from getting into you.

What you will find are some of the benefits of Oreck air purifier units is that they provide help in removing all of the toxins that are most likely in your home, no matter how clean you think it is. For example, consider that these models can help to remove bacteria, viruses, fungi and even mold from your home. In addition, most of their models offer a long term warranty, which helps you to know that the unit will not disappear in only a few months of use. Many find that this line is ideal for getting relief when they suffer from asthma and allergies.

Since the air in your home is contaminated, you need to consider the right Oreck air purifier for your needs. Your health needs it.

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Reduce Pet Dander to Reduce Night Sweat

Recent statistics indicate that more and more people are bringing pets into their lives. From dogs and cats to birds and ferrets, we seem to love our little friends more and more with each passing decade. But did you know your best pal may be encouraging you to sweat more at night?

I should note that most studies related to this topic involve cats and dogs and I don't know if dogs with hair rather than fur, like poodles, were included.

Dander May Raise Your Internal Thermostat

While it is obvious that people who suffer from specific animal allergies will have trouble sleeping with such an animal around, the fact is that all of us struggle a little more when we have a lot of animals around.

Even perfectly clean and healthy animals contain dander that act as an allergen. Even if you are not allergic to that dander, your respiratory system still must work a little harder when working those foreign particles through your system. This somewhat minor distress simply causes your system to work harder thus raising your core body temperature.

Extra Dirt and Dust

For many people it may not be an issue if it were dander alone. But a lot comes with our furry friends. Cats require litter boxes and dogs require grooming. Even if you keep it clean, a cat litter box contributes additional particles and toxins into the air. And even Fido's brush may slowly emit dander into the air over time if you leave it near you while you sleep.

I am not in any way discouraging people from getting pets and I am definitely not saying you need to exclude them from your life. I just encourage you take extra steps to maintain clean air in your sleeping environment. Use a an air filtration device. Vacuum more often. Ventilate the room more with a cracked window.

You and Fluffy can live happily ever after - just put a little extra effort into keeping the air you breathe when you sleep nice and clean.

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